Welcome to Head Start Nutrition!
I am an accredited practising dietitian here to support you and your family in everything nutrition!
I provide nutrition consultations and feeding therapy.
I am so excited you are here and I look forward to working with you!
Natasha McGregor
Accredited Practising Dietitian
Accredited Nutritionist
Registered NDIS provider
SOS Trained Practitioner
If you have found my website, chances are you are looking for solutions to feeding your children because you're concerned about your child's nutrition in some way.
Are you…
Concerned about your child’s health?
Worried about your child's weight?
Upset that your child won’t eat healthy foods?
Bothered that your child won’t eat? doesn’t stop eating?
Annoyed about making extra meals on demand?
Troubled that dinner times are stressful?
Disturbed that junk foods rule?
Anxious that food and eating are hot and heated topics
in the house?
Or could you be concerned about...
Fussy eating or Problem Feeding? ARFID diagnosis?
Allergy and intolerance issues?
Autism or ADHD?
Constipation or diarrhoea?
Tube feeding and weaning?
I am dedicated to family nutrition and use a food-first approach to help families gain early advantages in health, learning and behaviour. I am also a parent who can understand the joys and frustrations of feeding kids - it is not an easy job!
This work is my passion - I just love it, and I am here to provide ideas and get new strategies rolling in your home so that your worry and stress around kids and food can be reduced.
Latest News!
SOS Feeding Therapy Training
Brisbane 2020
I have just completed the SOS Basic Training course which was a 4 day intensive course (maybe not so basic!). SOS stands for Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding and is a therapy designed to help kids and families with feeding difficulties.
The SOS Approach to Feeding can help Parents and Caregivers understand how complicated feeding/eating is, why children may struggle to eat, and how to help children to eat better. Suited to any child with picky eating or problem eating behaviours, including ASD and more.
My role as a dietitian is to help guide and support families with their meals at home and work with other therapists like OT, Speech and Psychologists to support feeding therapy for the child.
Microba: Gut Microbiome Testing
Gut health is so important. The research is continually providing us evidence that the more diverse your gut microbiome is, the better your health can be. Improving your gut health then can improve your own health in many ways. This includes improving mental health, reducing risk of chronic disease and of course, reducing irritable gut issues.
I have now become a referring practitioner with Microba, a Brisbane based company, who can provide you with information on your current micorbiome diversity. With this testing, we can then work together to develop a specific and individualised menu plan that includes the prebiotics your gut needs to improve your health.
This testing can suit kids and adults!
Autism and Nutrition
Professional Training for Minds & Hearts
In September 2019, I had the honour of providing the psychologists and allied health from Minds & Hearts a professional development session on the many aspects of nutrition and diet as it relates to children/adolescents and adults with Autism.
Gut health is so important for children with ASD and I am here to assist in this area so your child can improve their health which in turn can help benefit in other areas like behaviour, learning and progress in other therapies.
Allergy and Intolerance Professional Training
During March 2019, I completed further professional training in Allergy and Intolerance through the Dietitians Association of Australia in conjunction with Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy - ASCIA.
This means I have the most up-to-date knowledge in allergy and intolerance research to support kids and families who have adverse food reactions with nutrition therapies!!
Registered as an NDIS Provider
As of January 2019, I am now able to provide dietetic support to participants of the NDIS!
What does this mean? Well it simply means if you or your child are a participant with NDIS and manage your funds either through the NDIA, a partner or by yourself, I am here to support your nutritional goals if you choose.
I am located in 3 clinics - Mt Gravatt East, Woolloongaba and Newmarket. I can also arrange home visits when necessary.